ETFA 2024 - Complete Program

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Tuesday, 10 September 2024

  • Atrium Registration
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 08:00-09:00

    Registration will take place in the Atrium of the Complesso Beato Pellegrino, coming from the entrance of Via Vendramini 13, Padova

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  • 09:00-10:30
  • Room 3 WS1 - 3rd Workshop on Implementing Asset Administration Shells (ImplAAS)
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 09:00-10:30

    Workshop Organized by

    Thomas Kuhn, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Daniel Porta, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany and Frank Schnicke, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Sten Grüner, ABB AG Corporate Research Center, Germany

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    ETFA24-000023 Deployment of Asset Administration Shell Submodels
    Torben Miny, Julian Vogel, Michael Thies, Tobias Kleinert
    ETFA24-000319 Towards a one-stop-shop solution for the application of data-driven value-adding services in production
    Magnus Redeker, Dennis Quirin, Rafael Schroeder, Tobias Klausmann, Alexander Löwen, Simon Althoff, Alexander Wollbrink, Marc Hesse
    ETFA24-000326 Asset Administration Shell driven (Product) Carbon Footprint exchange with Data Management Systems
    Sebastian Weber, Sven Forte, Philipp Savarino, Thomas Dickopf, Christo Apostolov
  • Room 13 WS5 - From Siloed to Synergy: Unleashing the Power of the IEC 61499 Community
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 09:00-10:30

    Workshop Organized by

    Virendra Ashiwal, ABB Corporate Research Center, Germany and Bianca Wiesmayr, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and Inna Arkhipova, UniversalAutomation.Org, Austria

    Invited Presentations

    • Opening by the organizers

    • Franco Cavadini, Gr3n SA, Switzerland

      Keynote featuring a use case: IEC 61499 as the foundation of new automation and control design principles

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  • Room 7 WS6 - 6th DIVERSE: Advanced Technologies in Vehicular Systems
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 09:00-10:30

    Workshop Organized by

    Saad Mubeen, Mälardalen University, Sweden and Mohammad Ashjaei, Mälardalen University, Sweden

    Invited Presentations

    • Sara Afshar, Volvo Construction Equipment, Sweden

      Smart Construction Industry

    • Rafik Henia, Thales, France

      Towards onboard dynamic reconfiguration of TSN real-time network

    • Dakshina Dasari, Corporate Research, Robert Bosch GmBH, Germany

      Silverline: An Orchestration Framework for Distributed Real-time systems

    • Hans Lyngbäck, HIAB, Sweden

      Overview and challenges in the development of software platforms and applications in the loader cranes segment

    • John Lundbäck, Arcticus System, Sweden

      Model-driven Vehicle Software Architectures & Timing Analysis using the Rubus Approach

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  • 10:30-11:00
  • Cloister Coffee Break
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 10:30-11:00
  • 11:00-13:00
  • Room 3 WS1 - 3rd Workshop on Implementing Asset Administration Shells (ImplAAS)
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:00-13:00

    Workshop Organized by

    Thomas Kuhn, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Daniel Porta, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany and Frank Schnicke, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Sten Grüner, ABB AG Corporate Research Center, Germany

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    ETFA24-000327 Gaia-X based Data Ecosystem Offerings in the context of Data Management Systems
    Sven Forte, Fabian Gast, Thomas Dickopf, Christian Stürmer, Markus Weber
    ETFA24-000339 Towards a Stateless Cloud Native and Cloud Agnostic Digital Twin Platform for the Digital Product Passport: Out-of-the-box, Reliable, and Scaling
    Magnus Redeker, Sven Simikin, Frank Marek
    ETFA24-000341 Facilitating skill-based robot programing using the Asset Administration Shell
    Moritz Hofer, Alwin Hoffmann, Christian Eymüller
    ETFA24-000342 Bridging the Gap between IT and OT with AAS Digital Twins and MDE Techniques: An Industrial Waste Management Case Study
    Quang-Duy NGUYEN, Saadia DHOUIB, Eric Lucet, Antoine Le MORTELLEC, Fabien BALIGAND
  • Room 13 WS5 - From Siloed to Synergy: Unleashing the Power of the IEC 61499 Community
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:00-13:00

    Workshop Organized by

    Virendra Ashiwal, ABB Corporate Research Center, Germany and Bianca Wiesmayr, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and Inna Arkhipova, UniversalAutomation.Org, Austria

    Invited Presentations

    • Polina Ovsiannikova, Aalto University, Finland

      Automation of processes in a smart vertical farm using IEC 61499

    • Valeriy Vyatkin, Aalto University, Finland and Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

      Dynamicity and IEC 61499

    • Wenbin (William) Dai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

      The Cloud-Edge Collaborated Virtualized Next Generation Industrial Automation Systems based on IEC 61499

    • Jörg Walter, OFFIS - Institut für Informatik, Oldenburg, Germany

      Embracing heterogeneity: Using IEC 61499 to tailor your distributed control system for development efficiency, processing speed, compute power, and legacy compatibility

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  • Room 8 WS3 - Bidirectional Trust in Human Digital Twin-Based Ergonomics for Industry 5.0
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:00-13:00

    Workshop Organized by

    Nicola Berti, University of Padova, Italy and Marco Faroni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Mattia Guidolin, University of Padova, Italy and Cesare Tonola, University of Brescia, Italy

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    ETFA24-000337 Human Trust and Digital Twins in a Human Factors and Ergonomic framework
    Luca Pietrantoni, MARCO DE ANGELIS, Mabel San Román-Niaves
    ETFA24-000353 Human-Robot Collaborative Transportation via Distance-based Role Allocation for Precise Positioning of Flexible Materials
    Matteo Terreran, Alberto Gottardi, Emanuele Menegatti, Stefano Ghidoni
    ETFA24-000382 Elasto-plastic Control for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
    Roberto Fausti, Stefano Ghidini, Manuel Beschi, Nicola Pedrocchi
    ETFA24-000423 Trust the Robot! Enabling Flexible Collaboration With Humans via Multi-Sensor Data Integration
    Mattia Guidolin, Nicola Berti, Paride Gnesotto, Daria Battini, Monica Reggiani
  • Room 7 WS6 - 6th DIVERSE: Advanced Technologies in Vehicular Systems
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 11:00-13:00

    Workshop Organized by

    Saad Mubeen, Mälardalen University, Sweden and Mohammad Ashjaei, Mälardalen University, Sweden

    Invited Presentations

    • Ali Balador, Ericsson, Sweden

      Computation offloading in Edge and cloud environment

    • Rolf Ernst, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany

      Managing large dynamic real-time data in vehicles and beyond

    • Jean-Luc Scharbarg, University of Toulouse, France

      On precision and robustness of IEEE802.1AS synchronization in TSN networks

    • Matthias Becker, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

      Guaranteeing Pro-Active and Reactive Safety in intersections through resource management at the Edge.

    • Zenepe Satka, Mälardalen University, Sweden

      Towards Seamless Connectivity: Exploring the Future of Real-Time Networks through TSN and 5G Integration

    • Saad Mubeen and Mohammad Ashjaei Mälardalen University, Sweden

      DESTINE: Developing Predictable Vehicle Software Utilizing Time Sensitive Networking

    Panel Discussion

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  • 13:00-14:10
  • Cloister Lunch
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 13:00-14:10
  • 14:10-15:40
  • Room 3 WS1 - 3rd Workshop on Implementing Asset Administration Shells (ImplAAS)
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:10-15:40

    Workshop Organized by

    Thomas Kuhn, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Pablo Oliveira Antonino, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Daniel Porta, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany and Frank Schnicke, Fraunhofer Institute IESE, Kaiserslautern, Germany and Sten Grüner, ABB AG Corporate Research Center, Germany

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    ETFA24-000362 Enhancing Intralogistics 4.0: Integrating Asset Administration Shell for Improved Navigation, Safety, and Risk Management across Stationary and Mobile Transport Systems
    Philipp Richard, Benjamin Blumhofer, Alexandra Ritter, Martin Ruskowski
    ETFA24-000384 Leverage Asset Administration Shells to Support Artificial Intelligence Planning
    Alexis Tobias Bernhard, Benjamin Blumhofer, Andreas Luxenburger, Daniel Porta, Martin Ruskowski, Achim Wagner
    ETFA24-000470 Integrating Systems of Record (SOR) into the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) Dataspace
    Mohammad Ghazanfar Ali Danish Mohammad Ghazanfar Ali Danish, Frank Schnicke
  • Room 5 WS5 - From Siloed to Synergy: Unleashing the Power of the IEC 61499 Community
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:10-15:40

    Workshop Organized by

    Virendra Ashiwal, ABB Corporate Research Center, Germany and Bianca Wiesmayr, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria and Inna Arkhipova, UniversalAutomation.Org, Austria

    Panel Discussion

    • Franco Cavadini, Gr3n SA, Switzerland

    • Polina Ovsiannikova, Aalto University, Finland

    • Valeriy Vyatkin, Aalto University, Finland and Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

    • Wenbin (William) Dai, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

    • Jörg Walter, OFFIS - Institut für Informatik, Oldenburg, Germany

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  • Room 13 WS3 - Bidirectional Trust in Human Digital Twin-Based Ergonomics for Industry 5.0
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:10-15:40

    Workshop Organized by

    Nicola Berti, University of Padova, Italy and Marco Faroni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Mattia Guidolin, University of Padova, Italy and Cesare Tonola, University of Brescia, Italy

    Invited Presentation

    Nicola Pedrocchi, CNR-STIIMA, Italy
    Human Intention Modelling to increase trustworthiness in human robot physical interaction

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    ETFA24-000442 Predicting Human Motion using the Unscented Kalman Filter for Safe and Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration
    Michele Ferrari, Samuele Sandrini, Cesare Tonola, Enrico Villagrossi, Manuel Beschi
    ETFA24-000449 Model-based Specification of Robotic Digital Twins
    Jeshwitha Jesus Raja, Meenakshi Manjunath, Marian Daun
  • Room 9 Industry Forum #1
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:10-15:40
    Alessandro Beghi
    Zhibo Pang

    1st Industry Forum Tech Session

    Deterministic and real-time computing and communications for industrial systems (including applications of digital twin, AI, extended reality in industrial systems)

    • Hamza Chahed, Intel

      TSN in Heterogenous networks

    • Yu Liu, Ericsson Research, Sweden

      Towards co-design for cloud-native enabled scalable robotics in a device-cloud continuum

    • Gilberto Pin, Electrolux Italia S.p.A., Italy

      Nonlinear and adaptive add-ons for high-performance control of electric motor drives: a tale of jitter compensation

    • Zhibo Pang, ABB

      Functional safety over deterministic wireless networks

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  • Room 7 WS4 - Time-Sensitive Networks from academia to industry: trends and challenges beyond the hype
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 14:10-15:40

    Workshop Organized by

    Marc Boyer, Onera, France and Silviu Craciunas, TTTech, Austria

    Invited Presentations

    • Quentin Bailleul, IRT Saint Exupery

      TSN for critical systems: feedback from the multi-industry project EDEN

    • Jörn Migge, RealTime-at-Work

      Ten years of supporting customers in TSN configuration

    • Alexander Damisch, TTTech

      TSN beyond the hype-cycle. Challenging Software Defined Networking use cases in the OT space

    • Lukas Osswald, Tubingen University

      Traffic Scheduling with the TAS: Past Research and Future Directions

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  • 15:40-16:10
  • Cloister Coffee Break
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 15:40-16:10
  • 16:10-16:40
  • Room 13 WS3 - Bidirectional Trust in Human Digital Twin-Based Ergonomics for Industry 5.0
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 16:10-16:40

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    ETFA24-000465 Optimizing Collaborative Robotics since Pre-Deployment via Cyber-Physical Systems’ Digital Twins
    Christian Cella, Marco Faroni, Andrea Zanchettin, Paolo Rocco
  • 16:10-18:10
  • Room 5 WS2 - 1st Workshop on Advanced RF sensing tools in industrial automation: robust, sustainable and ethical designs
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 16:10-18:10

    Workshop Organized by

    Stefano Savazzi, CNR, Italy and Alessio Prini, CNR STIIMA, Italy and Daniele Piazza, Adant, Italy and Stephan Sigg, Aalto University, Finland

    Invited Presentation

    Ugo Bertacchini, Inxpect S.p.A, Brescia, Italy (

    Safety certified radar sensors for industrial applications

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    ETFA24-000354 A Federated Learning Approach For Operator Monitoring in Heterogeneous Cobot Environments
    Sanaz Kianoush, Stefano Savazzi, Mingjun Dai, Alberto Minora
    ETFA24-000367 RFID-based Human Activity Recognition Using Multimodal Convolutional Neural Networks
    Sahar Golipoor, Stephan Sigg
    ETFA24-000455 Moralizing Radio Frequency (RF) Photography using Techno-moral Scenarios
    Ciano Aydin, Sage Cammers-Goodwin, Nolen Gertz
  • Room 9 Industry Forum #2
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 16:10-18:10
    Alessandro Beghi

    Industry / Academy Panel

    Advancing Collaboration and Ecosystems enabling Industrial Transformations

    Panelist Introductions (10 min each)

    • Hamza Chahed

    • Zhibo Pang

    • Alessandro Beghi (moderator)

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  • Room 7 WS4 - Time-Sensitive Networks from academia to industry: trends and challenges beyond the hype
    Tuesday, 10 September 2024, 16:10-18:10

    Workshop Organized by

    Marc Boyer, Onera, France and Silviu Craciunas, TTTech, Austria

    Invited Presentations

    • Mohammad Ashjaei, Mälardalen University, Sweden

      Advancing TSN Modeling and Analysis to Software and System Development Abstraction"

    • Luxi Zhao, Beihang University

      Challenges of Deadline-Aware Configurations for Hybrid TSN Networks

    • Lisa Maile, TU Braunschweig, Germany

      Decentralized Resource Reservation for Real-Time Communication in TSN

    • Marc Boyer, ONERA, France

      PSFP: opportunities, limits and open questions

    • Federico Tramarin, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

      Time Sensitive Networking for future enabling technologies: measurement methods and metrological characterization in hybrid wired/wireless scenarios

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Wednesday, 11 September 2024

  • Atrium Registration
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 08:00-09:00
    Registration will take place in the Atrium of the _Complesso Beato Pellegrino_, coming from the entrance of _Via Vendramini 13, Padova_

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  • 09:00-09:30
  • Aula Magna Opening Ceremony
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 09:00-09:30
  • 09:30-10:30
  • Aula Magna Keynote - Matthieu Worm
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 09:30-10:30
    Alessandro Beghi
    Zhibo Pang

    Mathieu Worm, Siemens

    The Industrial Metaverse, more real than real

    The Industrial Metaverse could be perceived as a buzzword but can equally be seen as the logical next chapter in industrial digitalization. Realizing a space to collaborate and interact with the Digital Twin, supports democratization of complex technology, enabling fast decision-making in engineering and operational challenges. It requires interoperability of heterogeneous virtual models, connectivity to real-world assets and AI for accelerated decision-making. In this talk, Matthieu Worm will present recent advancements in immersive, collaborative and interactive technology, enriching the Digital Twin as we know it.

    About Matthieu Worm

    Matthieu Worm is the technical lead in the Technology Field for Simulation & Digital Twin in Siemens Technology since 2021. He drives consistency and coherency in Siemens’ research and technology roadmap to shape the Industrial Metaverse. He joined Siemens Digital Industries Software in 2016 to develop the simulation and test solutions strategy for the domain of autonomous vehicle development. Before working at Siemens, he was engineering manager at Moog, developing high-end driving simulators and automotive test equipment. Matthieu started his working career at Toyota Motor Europe as vehicle safety engineer. He earned a master’s degree in Industrial Design Engineering at Delft University of Technology and completed an MBA at Antwerp Management School.

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  • 10:30-11:00
  • Cloister Coffee Break
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 10:30-11:00
  • 11:00-12:20
  • Room 6 WIP6 - Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial and Factory Automation & WIP7 - Intelligent Robots and Systems
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 11:00-12:20
    Tomas Jochman
    Bin Chen

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    ETFA24-000299 Synth-Yard-MCMOT – Synthetically Generated Multi-Camera Multi-Object Tracking Dataset In Yard Logistics
    Tim Chilla, Tom Stein, Christian Pionzewski, Oliver Urbann, Jérôme Rutinowski, Alice Kirchheim
    ETFA24-000419 DF Sampler: A Self-Supervised Method for Adaptive Keyframe Sampling
    Naval Kishore Mehta, Shyam Sunder Prasad, Sumeet Saurav, Sanjay Singh
    ETFA24-000421 Visual Saliency Approaches for Defect Detection in Industrial Processes: A Short Review
    Marco Porta
    ETFA24-000295 Improved dynamic resource reservation-based AGV traffic control with optimized task allocation
    Parikshit Verma, Josep M. Olm, Raul Suarez, Pol Toldrà
    ETFA24-000297 VRoboCoop – Trajectory planning to achieve reliable and trustworthy human-robot collaboration
    Philipp Zallinger, Lukas Buchner, Roman Froschauer, Karin Nachbagauer
    ETFA24-000304 A Frontier-based Exploration Approach Making Use of Jointly Updated Local and Global Trees
    Antoni Tauler-Rossello, Alberto Ortiz, Emilio Garcia-Fidalgo
    ETFA24-000316 Incorporating Trajectory Following Capabilities into an Aerial Robot for Vessel Inspection
    Francisco Bonnin-Pascual, Alberto Ortiz, Emilio Garcia-Fidalgo
    ETFA24-000346 Analytical approach to reorient unknown objects via in-hand manipulation
    Morad Shirzadi, Isiah Zaplana, Raul Suarez
    ETFA24-000364 Dual-arm robotic manipulation using visual guidance
    Pol Ramon, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda, Isiah Zaplana, Jan Rosell
    ETFA24-000374 Integrated Hardware and Software Architecture for Industrial AGV with Manual Override Capability
    Pietro Iob, Angelo Cenedese, Mauro Schiavo
    ETFA24-000376 Evaluation of grasp quality measures in real grasps
    Pouria Zakariapour, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda, Raul Suarez
    ETFA24-000380 Software package for efficient use of a robotic anthropomorphic hand
    Marina Pujol-Closa, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda, Raul Suarez
    ETFA24-000381 Smart Fleet Solutions: Simulating Electric AGV Performance in Industrial Settings
    Tommaso Martone, Pietro Iob, Mauro Schiavo, Angelo Cenedese
    ETFA24-000383 Holistic Modeling and Control of Mobile Robot Applications within 5G O-RAN networks
    Jan Nouruzi-Pur, Axel Vick, Adam Girycki, Ernst-Joachim Steffens, Jens Lambrecht
    ETFA24-000448 Data Acquisition Architecture for a Navigation System of a PIG Based on Distance Sampling
    Edmundo Guerra, Antoni Grau, Jorge Alberto Soto, Eloina Lugo-del-Real
    ETFA24-000451 Perception for collaborative robots in pruning operations
    Edmundo Guerra, Antoni Grau, Marco Giacchetti, Yolanda Bolea, Franciso Cristobal García
    ETFA24-000454 Comparative Performance Analysis of LiDAR-Based SLAM Algorithms: A Case Study
    Krithiga Ramesh, Maxim Friesen, Tullio Facchinetti, Lukasz Wisniewski
    ETFA24-000457 A Digital Twin Implementation for the AMiRo
    Christian Klarhorst, Dennis Quirin, Marc Hesse, Ulrich Rückert
    ETFA24-000359 Segmentation-based approach for a heuristic grasping procedure in multi-object scenes
    Davide Ceschini, Riccardo De Cesare, Enrico Civitelli, Marina Indri
  • 11:00-12:40
  • Room 5 TT7 - Human-Robot collaboration and learning
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 11:00-12:40
    Andrea Bonci
    Raul Suarez Feijoo

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    ETFA24-000190 Human-robot co-transport of flexible materials using deformation constraints
    Andrea Bonci, Alessandro Di Biase, Sauro Longhi, Renat Kermenov
    ETFA24-000059 Motion planning and safe object handling for a low-resource mobile manipulator as human assistant
    Rosario Francesco Cavelli, Pangcheng David Cen Cheng, Marina Indri
    ETFA24-000024 Sim-to-Real Transfer for a Robotics Task: Challenges and Lessons Learned
    Jakob Jonas Rothert, Sebastian Lang, Martin Seidel, Magnus Hanses
    ETFA24-000234 Safe and Robust Simulation-to-Reality Transfer for Mobile Robots
    Juan Pablo Valdivia, Ahmad Terra, Alberto Hata
    ETFA24-000055 Contact-based in-Hand Package Pose Estimation Using a Collaborative Robot
    Alessio Saccuti, Riccardo Monica, Jacopo Aleotti
  • 11:00-13:00
  • Room 3 TT1 - Distributed Automation
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 11:00-13:00
    Alexander Fay
    Alois Zoitl

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    ETFA24-000028 Bridging the Gap: A Python-to-Structured Text Compiler with IEC 61131-3 Compliance
    Yuanchen Zhao, Alicia Eve, Torben Miny, Tobias Kleinert
    ETFA24-000257 A Review of Publicly Available Datasets from Manufacturing Systems
    Valentina Golendukhina, Bianca Wiesmayr, Michael Felderer
    ETFA24-000061 Self-Manageable System Architecture Design for Distributed Intelligent Automation
    Guolin Lyu, Robert Brennan
    ETFA24-000066 Guided Evolution of IEC 61499 Applications
    Irman Faqrizal, Gwen Salaün, Yliès Falcone
    ETFA24-000206 Variability Extraction Methodologies for Developing Reusable Control Software Artifacts in IEC 61499
    Shubham Sharma, Dunja Životin, Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Lisa Sonnleithner, Rick Rabiser, Alois Zoitl
    ETFA24-000229 Integrating Robots in Modular Production Environments via the Module Type Package
    Gary Hildebrandt, Pascal Habiger, Thomas Greiner, Rainer Drath
  • Room 4 TT6 - Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial and Factory Automation
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 11:00-13:00
    Ondrej Svec
    Vaclav Kubacek

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    ETFA24-000108 Synthetically generated images for industrial anomaly detection
    Marco Wagenstetter, Petra Gospodnetic, Lovro Bosnar, Juraj Fulir, Donovan Kreul, Holly Rushmeier, Thomas Aicher, Arvid Hellmich, Steffen Ihlenfeldt
    ETFA24-000156 Design Automation: A Conditional VAE Approach to 3D Object Generation under Conditions
    Michael Hohmann, Sebastian Eilermann, Willi Großmann, Oliver Niggemann
    ETFA24-000217 Prototype-aware Feature Selection for Multi-view Action Prediction in Human-Robot Collaboration
    Bohua Peng, Bin Chen, Wei He, Visakan Kadirkamanathan
    ETFA24-000202 Supervised Anomaly Detection for Production Line Images using Data Augmentation and Convolutional Neural Network
    Saara Asif, Muhammad Uzair Akmal, Leonid Koval, Simon Knollmeyer, Selvine George Mathias, Daniel Grossmann
    ETFA24-000235 Integrating Augmented Reality within Digital Twins for Smart Robotic Manufacturing Systems
    Tomáš Jochman, Václav Voltr, Ondrej Svec, Václav Kubáček, Pavel Burget, Václav Hlaváč
    ETFA24-000259 Prediction of High-Level Actions from the Sequence of Atomic Actions in Assembly Line Workstations
    Sanjay Kumar Dwivedi, Hiroto Nagayoshi, Hiroki Ohashi
  • 11:00-13:10
  • Room 7 Industry forum #3
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 11:00-13:10
    Alessandro Beghi
    Zhibo Pang

    2nd Industry Forum Tech Session - New frontiers of Industrial wireless communication

    • Stefan Svensson, Hetronic

      Challenges in wireless control

    • Xianjun Jiao, IDLab, imec and Gent university

      Openwifi: empowering industrial wireless communication by open chip design

    • Frank Burkhardt, Fraunhofer Institute

      Wireless subnetworks and their enablers

    • Pietro Giardina, Nextworks

      Bringing determinism in private mobile networks for Industry 5.0 scenarios: opportunities and challenges

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  • 13:10-14:20
  • Cloister Lunch
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 13:10-14:20
  • 14:20-16:00
  • Room 6 TT3 - Real-Time Networks
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Jean-Luc Scharbarg
    Mohammad Ashjaei

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    ETFA24-000003 Time-Triggered Inference on FPGAs
    Yosab Bebawy, Michael Schmidt, Hamidreza Ahmadian, Aniebiet Micheal Ezekiel, Roman Obermaisser
    ETFA24-000119 Scaling, Packetizers and Aggregation in Network Calculus
    Damien GUIDOLIN--PINA, Marc Boyer
    ETFA24-000213 Time-Bounded Throughput Guarantees Considering Channel Variations in 5G
    Andrea Nota, Selma Saidi, Alex Palaios
    ETFA24-000134 Using NETCONF for Automatic Fault Diagnosis in Time-Sensitive Networking
    Inés Álvarez, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei
    ETFA24-000007 Optimizing Handover in Time-Sensitive Wi-Fi Networks through Machine Learning
    Pablo Avila-Campos, Jetmir Haxhibeqiri, Xianjun Jiao, Ingrid Moerman, Jeroen Hoebeke
  • Room 3 TT1 - Digital Twins
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Tarik Tercimehic
    Virandra Ashiwal

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    ETFA24-000031 Realizing automated production planning via proactive AAS and Business Process Models
    Melanie Stolze, Alexander Belyaev, Christian Kosel, Christian Diedrich, Alfred Barnard
    ETFA24-000085 Towards a Test Framework for Reactive (Type 2) Asset Administration Shell Implementations
    Torben Miny, Sebastian Heppner, Igor Garmaev, Marko Ristin, Björn Otto, Nico Braunisch, Michael Jacoby, Tobias Kleinert, Hans Wernher van de Venn, Martin Wollschlaeger
    ETFA24-000094 Asset-Administration-Shell-Based Continuous Engineering in Energy Industries
    Sten Grüner, Nafise Eskandani, Katharina Stark, Mario Hoernicke, Roland Braun
    ETFA24-000125 Digitalizing Sustainability: Product Carbon Footprint with Green Digital Twins
    Florian Balduf, Zai Müller-Zhang, Tagline Treichel, Thomas Kuhn
    ETFA24-000197 Dynamic Multi-Message Broker for proactive Industry 4.0 Digital Twins
    Nico Braunisch, Robert Lehmann, Uwe Schmidt, Tom Gneuss, Daniel Kluge, Martin Wollschlaeger
  • Room 5 TT5 - Cooperative control and diagnosis
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Koichi Kobayashi
    Takao Sato

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    ETFA24-000043 Cooperative Motion Planning based on Data-Driven Approach for Hydraulic Excavators
    Masaki Akiyama, TORU YAMAMOTO, Tomofumi Okada, Takayuki Doi, Kazushige Koiwai
    ETFA24-000056 Faster WWTP fault diagnosis based on linguistic-OWA pooling DCNN
    Alicia Beneyto-Rodriguez, Gregorio Ismael Sainz Palmero, Marta Galende Hernández, Maria J. Fuente
    ETFA24-000017 Output Consensus Using Simple Adaptive Control in Heterogeneous Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems
    Ryuto Kobayashi, Natsuki Kawaguchi, Takao Sato
    ETFA24-000093 Conservative Design with High-Performance COTS Architectures - Beyond Traditional Approaches
    Robin Hapka, Rolf Ernst
    ETFA24-000168 Flexible Control Configuration in Modular Plants via Control Function Library
    Yuanchen Zhao, Shagufta Shagufta, Tobias Kleinert
  • Room 7 WIP1 - Trends in Information Technology in Automation
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Alois Zoitl
    Bianca Wiesmayr

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    ETFA24-000296 Objective Method-Based Requirement Gathering for Digital Data Logistics Processes in Industrial Projects
    Kevin Hansch, Alexander Große-Kreul, Arndt Lueder, Bernd Kuhlenkötter
    ETFA24-000298 VRoboCoop – Proactive Human-Robot Collaboration Path Planning by Integrating Human Kinematics into Workflow Modeling
    Lukas Buchner, Philipp Zallinger, Karin Nachbagauer, Roman Froschauer
    ETFA24-000313 Model-based Workflow for the Automated Generation of PDDL Descriptions
    Hamied Nabizada, Tom Jeleniewski, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000318 Digitalization and Cybersecurity challenges and solutions for Industry 4.0 in manufacturing SMEs
    Henning Thomsen, Mikkel Antonsen, Bent Rosenkilde
    ETFA24-000320 Towards a Stateful Capability-Skill Ontology for Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
    Alexandre Sawczuk da Silva, Hoai My Van, Gereon Weiss
    ETFA24-000322 Engineering Data Funnel (WIP) – An Ontology-enhanced LLM-based Agent and MoE System for Engineering Data Processing
    Nicolai Schoch, Mario Hoernicke, Nika Strem, Katharina Stark
    ETFA24-000331 Towards Web Platform for Cloud-Based Virtual Commissioning of IEC 61499 Distributed Automation Systems
    Tuojian Lyu, Tung Nguyen, Roman Rumiantcev, Mikhail Kolesnikov, Hansani Perera, Udayanto Dwi Atmojo, Valeriy Vyatkin
    ETFA24-000332 Energy Aware Production Planning under the Constraint of CO2 Emission
    Alireza Estaji, Thilo Sauter, Albert Treytl, Aleksey Bratukhin, Roland Stenzl
    ETFA24-000358 Towards usability of process models for co-simulation-based operability analysis of modular electrolysis plants
    Michael Mock, Isabell Viedt, Leon Urbas
    ETFA24-000360 A Mapping Approach from System Control Diagrams to the Module Type Package
    Tobias Kock, Julius Lorenz, Anselm Klose, Idar Pe Ingebringsten, Andreas Schüller, Leon Urbas
    ETFA24-000370 A Multi-Material and Multi-Scenario Dataset for Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing Operations
    Mohammad Uddin, Sebastiano Gaiardelli, Michele Lora, Dong Seon Cheng, Franco Fummi
    ETFA24-000387 A MLOps Architecture for XAI in Industrial Applications
    Leonhard Faubel, Thomas Woudsma, Leila Methnani, Amir Ghorbani ghezeljehmeidan, Fabian Buelow, Klaus Schmid, Willem Van Driel, Benjamin Kloepper, Andreas Theodorou, Mohsen Nosratinia, Magnus Bang
    ETFA24-000391 An Approach for Sovereign Data Exchange of AAS Digital Twins through the International Data Space Network
    Guéréguin Der Sylvestre SIDIBE, Saadia DHOUIB
    ETFA24-000396 Automated Robot Skill Parameterization Based On Task Specifications
    Sebastian Kurscheid, Rüdiger Daub
    ETFA24-000425 Towards Enhancing Security of ICS: System Architecture Development using the Asset Administration Shell
    Ali Mohammad Hosseini, Thilo Sauter, Wolfgang Kastner
    ETFA24-000430 Chatbot-Based Ontology Interaction Using Large Language Models and Domain-Specific Standards
    Jonathan Reif, Tom Jeleniewski, Milapji Singh Gill, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000443 Battling Data Counterfeiting in Industrial Data Trading Environments
    Christos Panagiotou, Kyriakos Stefanidis
    ETFA24-000452 Leveraging the Power of LLMs to Transform Robot Programs into Low-Code
    Bernhard Schenkenfelder, Christian Salomon, Martin Schwandtner, Raphael Zefferer, Michael Derfler, Manuel Wimmer
    ETFA24-000466 Graph-based Change Impact Visualization for Agile Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
    Felix Rinker, Kristof Meixner, Roxana Dogaru, Stefan Biffl
    ETFA24-000468 Automating Software Product Line Adoption Based on Feature Models Using Large Language Models
    Johannes Stümpfle, Sebastian Baum, Daniel Dittler, Nasser Jazdi Motlagh, Michael Weyrich
    ETFA24-000363 Concept for Software-supported Automated Security Risk Assessments for Industrial Components
    Lisa Gebauer, Marco Ehrlich, Sebastian Wolf, Dimitri Harder, Luca Schäfer, Henning Trsek, Natalia Moriz
    ETFA24-000372 GraphWatch: A Novel Threat Hunting Approach for APT Activities based on Anomaly Detection
    Robin Buchta, Carsten Kleiner, Felix Heine, Daniel Mahrenholz, Uwe Mönks, Henning Trsek
    ETFA24-000409 Detection of Cyberattacks in IoT Networks Using Artificial Intelligence: A Comparative Study
    Matheus Figueiredo, Dar'c Pabla Sodré, Renan Landau Paiva de Medeiros, Vicente Lucena, Iury Bessa
    ETFA24-000345 Lithium-Ion Battery SOH Forecasting: From Deep Learning Augmented by Explainability to Lightweight Machine Learning Models
    Arman Sheikhani, Ervin Agic, Mahshid Helali Moghadam, Juan Carlos Andresen, Anders Vesterberg
  • Room 4 TT10 - AI for Forecasting and Prediction in Automation
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Alexander Diedrich
    Doran Hans Dermot

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    ETFA24-000248 Enhancing Nonlinear Electrical Circuit Modeling with Prior Knowledge-Infused Neural ODEs
    Bernd Zimmering, Jan-Philipp Roche, Oliver Niggemann
    ETFA24-000167 Evaluation of Time Series Forecasting Strategies for Demand Management
    Anton Pfeifer, Julian Knaup, Christoph-Alexander Holst, Volker Lohweg
    ETFA24-000057 An Analysis of LSTMs and CNNs Robustness for Early Battery End of Life Prediction on Multivariate Time Series Based on Non-stationarity and Entropy
    Enzo Nicolás Spotorno Bieger, Leonardo Passig Horstmann, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich
    ETFA24-000243 Discretization of CPS Time Series with Neural Networks
    Phillip Johann Overlöper, Lukas Moddemann, Nemanja Hranisavljevic, Alexander Windmann, Oliver Niggemann
    ETFA24-000070 Performance Evaluation of YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 Object Detection Algorithms on Resource-Constrained Embedded Hardware Platforms for Real-Time Applications
    Giovanni Peserico, Alberto Morato
  • 16:00-16:30
  • Cloister Coffee Break
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 16:00-16:30
  • 16:30-17:30
  • Room 7 SS8 - Exploring the limits of Time Sensitive Networking
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 16:30-17:30
    Elena Ferrari
    Alberto Morato

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    ETFA24-000051 FPGA-based Network Switch Architecture Supporting Credit Based Shaper for Time Sensitive Networks
    Akram BEN AHMED, Takahiro Hirofuchi, Takaaki Fukai
    ETFA24-000203 An Online Scheduler for Reconfigurable Time-Sensitive Networks
    Fabian Kummer, Frank Golatowski, Willi Brekenfelder, Helge Parzyjegla, Peter Danielis, Gero Mühl
    ETFA24-000268 Time-Sensitive Networking for Trajectory Tracking of an Unmanned Ground Vehicle over Wi-Fi
    Elena Ferrari, Dave Cavalcanti, Valerio Frascolla, Susruth Sudhakaran, Alberto Morato, Stefano Vitturi, Angelo Cenedese
  • 16:30-18:10
  • Room 6 TT4 - IT-Tools for the Industrial Metaversum
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 16:30-18:10
    Michael Weyrich
    Torben Miny

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    ETFA24-000210 A method for software-assisted safety management in reconfigurable manufacturing systems within the context of Industry 5.0
    Bassam Massouh, Fredrik Danielsson, Sudha Ramasamy, Mahmood Reza Khabbazi, Anders Nilsson
    ETFA24-000078 A smart tool for optimal energy use of AGVs in the manufacturing industry - Modelling and optimizing the energy use of Simplex Motion SH 100 motor.
    Georgios Savvidis, Sudha Ramasamy, Kristofer Bengtsson, Xiaoxiao Zhang
    ETFA24-000052 Robust online update of Digital Twin for Flexible Automation cell
    Sudha Ramasamy, Naveen Krishna Puppala, Andreas Rudqvist, Anders Appelgren, Fredrik Danielsson, Johan Vallhagen
    ETFA24-000113 OptiTwin: Data-Driven Machining Process Optimization Platform for SMEs
    José Joaquín Peralta Abadía, Felix Larrinaga, Mikel Cuesta, Xabier Badiola, Aitor Duo, Gorka Olalde, Txema Perez
    ETFA24-000165 Unified Namespace and Asset Administration Shell: A Winning Combination for Digital Production
    Johannes Mäule, Tobias Kutzler, Thomas Leich, Denes Schäfer, Christian Richter
  • Room 3 TT1 - Safety & Security in Automation
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 16:30-18:10
    Sten Grüner
    Lisa Sonnleithner

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    ETFA24-000005 Compositional verification of nuclear safety I&C systems with OCRA
    Antti Pakonen
    ETFA24-000048 Evaluation of an Automated Security Risk Assessment based on a Manual Reference
    Marco Ehrlich, Georg Lukas, Lisa Gebauer, Henning Trsek, Juergen Jasperneite, Wolfgang Kastner, Christian Diedrich
    ETFA24-000175 Towards Unveiling Vulnerabilities and Securing IoT Devices: An Ontology-Based Approach
    Mukund Bhole, Wolfgang Kastner, Thilo Sauter
    ETFA24-000231 Towards Integration of EPANET and ASM2S To Enhance Security in Water Distribution Systems
    George Raptis, Taimoor Khan, Christos Koulamas, Dimitrios Serpanos
    ETFA24-000269 Mapping ICS Vulnerabilities: Prioritization and Risk Propagation Analysis with MITRE ATT&CK Framework and Bayesian Belief Networks
    Pushparaj Bhosale, Wolfgang Kastner, Thilo Sauter
  • Room 5 TT7 - Robot planning
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 16:30-18:10
    Axel Vick
    Andrea Bonci

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    ETFA24-000062 Planning of Time-Efficient Trajectories for Mobile Robots with Differential-Drives
    Philipp Lelidis, Axel Vick
    ETFA24-000075 Using Assembly Affordances for Flexible Robotic Task Planning
    David Timmermann, Anastasiia Maklashevskikh, Georg Heppner, Tristan Schnell, Rüdiger Dillmann
    ETFA24-000218 Design and Real-World Application of a Flexible Mobile Robot System for Urban Logistics
    Lukas Müller, Hao Pang, Lars Ohnemus, Maximilian Winter, Kai Furmans
    ETFA24-000077 Smooth and collision-free trajectory planning for redundant 3D laser cutting machines
    DING ZHIPENG, Marina Indri, Alessandro Rizzo, Pietro Soccio
    ETFA24-000232 3D Semantic heuristic planning for safer aerial robot navigation indoors
    José Antonio Cobano, Santiago Martinez, Luis Merino, Fernando Caballero
  • Room 4 SS2 - Autonomous Vehicles in Industry 5.0
    Wednesday, 11 September 2024, 16:30-18:10
    Antonello Venturino
    Mauro Bellone

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    ETFA24-000030 Open-source Level 4 Autonomous Shuttle for Last-mile Mobility
    Raivo Sell, Mohsen Malayjerdi, heiko pikner, Rahul Razdan, Ehsan Malayjerdi, Mauro Bellone
    ETFA24-000034 Industrial mixed fleets – An empirical study on central situational awareness activities
    Taru Hakanen, Josepha Berger, Sami Karadeniz, Toni Liski, Arbnor Bunjaku
    ETFA24-000071 Grid-Based Receding Horizon Control for Unicycle Robots under logistic operations
    Antonello Venturino, Luigino Filice, Giuseppe Franze'
    ETFA24-000194 Distributed Set-Based Planning in Autonomous Vehicles
    Marc Facerias, Vicenç Puig, Alexandru Stancu
    ETFA24-000212 Robust Triangular Decoupling Velocity Varying Controllers for Four Wheel Steering Autonomous Vehicles
    Michael Skarpetis, Fotis N. Koumboulis

Thursday, 12 September 2024

  • Atrium Registration
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 08:30-09:00
    Registration will take place in the Atrium of the _Complesso Beato Pellegrino_, coming from the entrance of _Via Vendramini 13, Padova_

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  • 09:00-10:20
  • Room 6 TT9 - Rethinking MBSE for complex automation systems
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Arndt Lüder
    Felix Gehlhoff

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    ETFA24-000271 Identifying required Knowledge for Production System Digitalization projects
    Arndt Lder, Stefan Biffl, David Hoffmann, Kristof Meixner
    ETFA24-000222 Rolling the Dice – Rethinking the RAMI 4.0 Perspectives
    Kristof Meixner, David Hoffmann, Sarah Riedmann, Paula Hünecke, Christoph Binder
    ETFA24-000139 Towards an MBSE Approach for Modeling Complex Production Systems based on Industrial Standards
    Lasse Beers, Hamied Nabizada, Maximilian Weigand, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000004 A Domain-Specific Language Extension for Incorporating Resource Capability Modeling into RAMI 4.0
    Sarah Riedmann, Christoph Binder, Jan Vollmar, Christian Neureiter, Arndt Lder
  • Room 3 TT2 - Wireless systems in industrial applications
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Zenepe Satka
    Lukasz Wisniewski

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    ETFA24-000199 Flexible Reconfiguration of Industrial 5G Networks over Asset Administration Shell
    Santiago Soler Perez Olaya, Hasal Kulasekara Pallewaththe Kankanamge, Gustavo Cainelli, Bodo Gambal
    ETFA24-000228 5G UE and Network Asset Administration Shells for the Integration of 5G and Industry 4.0 Systems
    Jorge Gómez-Jerez, Jorge Cañete-Martín, M.Carmen Lucas-Estañ, Javier Gozalvez
    ETFA24-000117 On the Accuracy and Precision of Moving Averages to Estimate Wi-Fi Link Quality
    Gianluca Cena, Gabriele Formis, Matteo Rosani, Stefano Scanzio
    ETFA24-000155 In-band Network Telemetry-based Congestion Control Algorithm for Industrial Wireless Networks
    Ramyashree Venkatesh Bhat, Jetmir Haxhibeqiri, Ingrid Moerman, Jeroen Hoebeke
  • Room 5 SS9 - Industrial Cybersecurity Methods and Technologies
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Lukas Bechtel
    Thilo Sauter

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    ETFA24-000084 Redundancy Link Security Analysis: An Automation Industry Perspective
    Björn Leander, Bjarne Johansson, Saad Mubeen, Mohammad Ashjaei, Tomas Lindström
    ETFA24-000147 Integrating Security into Industrial Control System Architecture Based on IEC 42010
    Ali Mohammad Hosseini, Thilo Sauter, Wolfgang Kastner
    ETFA24-000173 IT Security Solutions for IT/OT Integration: Identifying Gaps and Opportunities
    Mukund Bhole, Wolfgang Kastner, Thilo Sauter
    ETFA24-000275 Monitoring IP-ID Behavior for Spoofed IPv4 Traffic Detection
    Sabrina Kaniewski, Lukas Bechtel, Michael Menth, Tobias Heer
  • Room 7 WIP3 - Real-Time Systems and Applications & WIP4 - Automated Manufacturing Systems & WIP5 - Industrial Control
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Inés Alvarez Vadillo
    Kentaro Hirata, Akira Yanou

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    ETFA24-000356 Towards Request Arbitration in Edge-Assisted Smart Intersections under Timing Constraints
    Matthias Becker, Fredrik Asplund
    ETFA24-000398 Towards high-integrity redundancy role leasing
    Bjarne Johansson, Olof Holmgren, Håkan Forsberg, Thomas Nolte, Alessandro Papadopoulos
    ETFA24-000407 Reliability of CNN Execution – A Novel Application of the Single Protected Channel Pattern
    Hans Dermot Doran, Suzana Veljanovska
    ETFA24-000472 Impact of compilation optimization levels on execution time variability
    Mohamed Amine Khelassi, Yasmina ABDEDDAÏM
    ETFA24-000303 Flexible Co-Simulation Approach for Model Adaption in Digital Twins of Power-To-X Platforms
    Daniel Dittler, David Stauss, Philipp Rentschler, Johannes Stümpfle, Nasser Jazdi Motlagh, Michael Weyrich
    ETFA24-000310 Development of Robot Applications Utilizing Asset Administration Shell for Integrated Robotics Processes
    Seungmin Ryu, jieun jung, Byunghun Song, Junho Shin
    ETFA24-000312 Generate Digital Product Passports by Integrating Production Data into the Asset Administration Shell
    jieun jung, euna jeong, byunghun song, Kym Watson
    ETFA24-000351 Physics-Informed Neural Networks: a step towards data-driven optimization of additive manufacturing
    Fabio Depaoli, Stefano Felicioni, Francesco Ponzio, Alessandro Aliberti, Enrico Macii, Federica Bondioli, Elisa Padovano, Santa Di Cataldo
    ETFA24-000388 Architecture of Digital Twin for Automating Waste and Recycling Material Sorting Process
    Shreyas Parbat, Imam Iqbal, Isabell Viedt, Leon Urbas
    ETFA24-000402 Automated Generation of AML Models for Industrial Plants Using LLM Chat Applications
    Franz Christopher Kunze, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000293 Breaking Boundaries in Industrial Programming: Towards a Novel Architecture for Machine Controls
    Thomas Wetzlmaier, Stefan Fischer, Albrecht Wöß, Markus Löberbauer, Georg Koll, Franz Fischer
    ETFA24-000305 Using Decision Support to Fortify Industrial Control System against Cyberattacks
    Alireza Dehlaghi-Ghadim, Lars-Göran Magnusson, Niclas Ericsson, Mats Eriksson, Mahshid Helali, Ali Balador, Hans Hansson
    ETFA24-000315 Scheduled sampling training framework for ANN-based PID control
    Pau Comas, Jose Lopez Vicario, Antoni Morell, Ramon Vilanova
    ETFA24-000349 Modified Neural MPC with Guaranteed Constraints for Dynamic Positioning of Marine Vessels
    Fredrik Ljungberg, Soroush Rastegarpour, Hamid Reza Feyzmahdavian
    ETFA24-000386 Cost Effectiveness of Coverage in Reliable Factory Automation Systems
    Ahmed Mohamed, Heba Ibrahim, Ramez Daoud, Hassanein AMER, Hany ElSayed
    ETFA24-000392 Safe Reinforcement Learning for Level Control of Nonlinear Spherical Tank with Actuator Delays
    Iga Pawlak, Hamid Reza Feyzmahdavian, Soroush Rastegarpour
    ETFA24-000401 A Study of Self-tuning Controller using Closed-loop Data
    ETFA24-000408 A FIWARE based Input-Output Supervisor Control Implementation
    Antonios Menexis, Dimitrios Fragkoulis, Fotis N. Koumboulis, Michael Skarpetis
    ETFA24-000411 Pre-Heating Pattern Optimization for Fusing Process of Laser Printers
    Kentaro Hirata, Kunihisa Okano
    ETFA24-000462 Energy-Aware Event-Driven Design of Asynchronous Control/Measurement for Cyber-Physical Systems
    Shota Nakayama, Koichi Kobayashi, Yuh Yamashita
    ETFA24-000410 Generalized Architecture for Joint Optimization of Communication and Control System
    Parva Yazdani, Lisa Underberg
  • Room 4 TT10 - AI for Knowledge Management in Automation
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Stefano Scanzio

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    ETFA24-000133 Extracting Knowledge using Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection and Root-Cause Diagnosis
    Lukas Moddemann, Henrik Steude, Alexander Diedrich, Ingo Pill, Oliver Niggemann
    ETFA24-000196 Integrating Ontology Design with the CRISP-DM in the context of Cyber-Physical Systems Maintenance
    Milapji Singh Gill, Tom Westermann, Felix Gehlhoff, Gernot Steindl, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000216 Using Ontologies to Create Logical System Descriptions for Fault Diagnosis
    Björn Ludwig, Alexander Diedrich, Oliver Niggemann
    ETFA24-000114 A Knowledge-Augmented Socio-Technical Assistance System for Product Engineering
    Dominik Mittel, Andreas Hubert, Uppili Srinivasan, Alexander Perzylo, Daniel Lemberger
  • 10:20-10:50
  • Cloister Coffee Break
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 10:20-10:50
  • 10:50-11:50
  • Aula Magna Keynote - Giovanni Cherubini
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 10:50-11:50
    Angelo Cenedese
    Thilo Sauter

    Keynote by Prof. Giovanni Cherubini

    Industry Trends of AI: Opportunities and Challenges

    The exponential data growth we are witnessing is in large part determined by the emergence of AI-powered big data analytics and Internet of Things. The increasing demand for real-time insights and decision-making support tools drives the development of AI-based analytics platforms that can process large volumes of data in near real time. Furthermore, bridging AI with IoT is a natural option to unleash the data on low-cost and low-power IoT devices, thus boosting many novel applications and services with impressive performance. In this keynote presentation, the challenges that are posed by AI to data storage will be addressed first, with reference to technologies that deliver extreme capacity for highly-scalable, automated data retention. Then the optimization of multi-tier storage systems by reinforcement learning will be discussed. As examples of AI systems that heavily rely on high-capacity storage, deep learning-based recommenders and retrieval-augmented generation for knowledge injection in large language models will be reviewed. Finally, the end-to-end optimization of data allocation in AI-enhanced edge-cloud networks will be considered, where actions are already taken at the edge, thus promoting edge caching and edge intelligence.

    About Prof. Giovanni Cherubini

    Giovanni Cherubini received the Laurea degree, summa cum laude, in 1981 from the University of Padova, Italy, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 1984 and 1986, respectively, from the University of California at San Diego, USA, all in Electrical Engineering. In 1987, he joined the IBM Research Laboratory in Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2023, he is Chief Expert for high-capacity data storage systems at the Huawei Research Center in Zurich. Dr. Cherubini has fostered and managed innovation in several groundbreaking projects in the areas of AI, data storage, control systems, and communication systems.

    He is a Life Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), a Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), and a former IBM Master Inventor. Among other recognitions, he received the 2021 IEEE Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award for inventing and developing advanced control technologies for magnetic tape data storage products. His current interests include advanced cloud storage technologies, neuromorphic computing, and in-memory high-dimensional computing for AI applications.

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  • 11:50-13:10
  • Room 6 TT9 - Handling of special engineering information
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 11:50-13:10
    Arndt Lüder
    Christoph Binder

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    ETFA24-000138 An Ensemble Learning Approach to Automated Mapping of Process Instrumentation Tag Names
    Philipp Warter, Simone Smeraldo, Axel Busboom, Arnau Serra Noguera, Hristo Hriskov, Stefan Bendisch
    ETFA24-000258 Enhancing Production System Conceptualization with PPR Modeling
    David Hoffmann, Paula Hünecke, Ranjitkumar Gudder, Arndt Lder
    ETFA24-000260 AutomationML-based Risk Modeling for Decision Support in Engineering Lifecycles
    Paula Hünecke, Christoph Binder, David Hoffmann, Arndt Lder
    ETFA24-000262 Integrating Domain Expertise into Dynamic Digital Models: A Methodology for Behaviour-Driven Production Modelling
    Ishita Garg, David Hoffmann, Marco Rudolph, Arndt Lder
  • Room 3 TT2 - TSN in Industrial Systems
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 11:50-13:10
    Mohammad Ashjaei
    Manuel Barranco

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    ETFA24-000076 Time-Sensitive Networking and Software-Defined Networking: an experimental setup for realistic performances
    Claudio Zunino, Manuel Cheminod, Stefano Vitturi, Alberto Morato, Elena Ferrari, Dave Cavalcanti, Susruth Sudhakaran, Federico Tramarin
    ETFA24-000161 Monitoring Time Synchronization Precision: Implementation, Validation, and Low Cost PPS Measurement Mechanism for gPTP Monitoring
    Kedar Naik, Manuel Schappacher, Dominik Welte, Axel Sikora
    ETFA24-000137 n-Stack Execution of Real-Time Ethernet Protocols
    Hans Dermot Doran, Prosper Leibundgut
    ETFA24-000127 Secure Resource Allocation Protocol (SecRAP) for Time-Sensitive Networking
    Lukas Osswald, Steffen Lindner, Lukas Bechtel, Tobias Heer, Michael Menth
  • Room 4 TT7 - Robotic detection, classification and manipulation
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 11:50-13:10
    Pangcheng David Chen Cheng
    Marina Indri

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    ETFA24-000068 Robot Manipulation of Tomato Fruits using a Commercial Soft Gripper
    Riccardo Monica, Dario Lodi Rizzini, Stefano Caselli
    ETFA24-000290 Vision Based Robotic-Grasping Pose Estimation Using Object Corner Detection and Depth Images of Densely Packed Scenes
    Husnu Melih Erdogan, Marek Perkowski
    ETFA24-000270 Scenario Driven Development for Open Source Autonomous Driving Stack
    Mahir Gulzar, Tambet Matiisen, Naveed Muhammad
    ETFA24-000025 Ultrasonic object detection and classification for AMR safety
    Lukas Brand, Yannick Wunderle, Sören Hohmann
  • 11:50-13:20
  • Meeting Room Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 11:50-13:20
    Lucia Lo Bello

    Clara Otero Perez, Senior Director of System Innovations at NXP Semiconductors

    Title: Choose to Challenge

    Abstract: Creating a more inclusive and diverse culture boils down to everyday moments where we choose to challenge ourselves, situations, and cultural bias. Clara draws on her 15 years of experience promoting DE&I to share her insights on this topic.

    Chiara Masiero, Data Scientist | Lead R&D Scientist at Statwolf

    Title: Bridging the Gap: Women in Data Science and the Future of AI

    Abstract: Women\'s contributions are crucial to making AI an instrument of progress and challenging perpetuated stereotypes. Chiara is a data scientist and one of the women and young professionals playing key roles in advancing diversity, fairness, and challenging stereotypes in AI.

    Round Table

    Roberto Oboe

    Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy

    IES AdCom Senior Member

    Silvana Badaloni

    Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy

    Board Member of the Italian Association Women & Science and of the EPWS – European Platform of Women Scientists

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  • 13:10-14:20
  • Cloister Lunch
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 13:10-14:20
  • 14:20-16:00
  • Room 6 TT9 - Digital twins in MBSE
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Arndt Lüder
    David Hoffmann

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    ETFA24-000018 Model-driven realization of IDTA submodel specifications: The good, the bad, the incompatible?
    Holger Eichelberger, Alexander Weber
    ETFA24-000020 Development of PPR-based Basic Elements for Methodical Combination to Generalist Product Twins in Basic Engineering for SME
    Kevin Hansch, Arndt Lder, David Hoffmann
    ETFA24-000105 Realizing Consistent Digital Twins by Combining Different Data Exchange Technologies
    Arndt Lder, Jan Blume, Miriam Schleipen, Matthias Freund, David Hoffmann, Pooja Gupta
    ETFA24-000121 Product-oriented Product–Process–Resource Asset Network and its Representation in AutomationML for Asset Administration Shell
    Sára Strakošová, Petr Novak, Petr Kadera
    ETFA24-000130 Human-Centric Digital Twin-Driven Approach for Plug-and-Produce in Modular Cyber-Physical Production Systems
    Andre Rocha, Miguel Arvana, Nelson Freitas, Raul Dinis, Tiago Gouveia, Daniela Machado, Jose Barata
  • Room 3 TT3 - Real-Time Applications
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Yasmina Abdeddaim
    Matthias Becker

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    ETFA24-000099 Guaranteeing weakly-hard timing constraints of real-time server-based systems
    Nasim Samimi, Mitra Nasri, Twan Basten, Marc Geilen
    ETFA24-000136 Leveraging mixed criticality task budgets
    Mohamed Amine Khelassi, Yasmina ABDEDDAÏM
    ETFA24-000250 Predicting Cache Behaviour of Concurrent Applications
    Shamoona Imtiaz, Moris Behnam, Gabriele Capannini, Jan Carlson, Marcus Jagemar
    ETFA24-000163 Model-based Development for Autonomous Driving Software Considering Parallelization
    Kenshin Obi, Takumi Onozawa, Hiroshi Fujimoto, Takuya Azumi
    ETFA24-000090 Secure On-The-Fly Firmware Updates for Safety Critical Embedded Systems
    Philipp Scholl, Philipp Sommer, Felix Sutton
  • Room 5 Meeting of the IEEE IES TCFA
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
  • Room 7 WIP2 - Industrial Communication Technologies and Systems
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Inés Alvarez Vadillo
    Stefano Scanzio

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    ETFA24-000400 A Novel OPC UA PubSub Protocol Binding Using MQTT for Sensor Networks (MQTT-SN)
    Michael Nast, Hannes Raddatz, Frank Golatowski, Christian Haubelt
    ETFA24-000302 GeNESIS: Generator for Network Evaluation Scenarios of Industrial Systems
    Lukas Bechtel, Samuel Müller, Michael Menth, Tobias Heer
    ETFA24-000311 Packet Steering Mechanisms for MLO in Wi-Fi 7
    Gianluca Cena, Matteo Rosani, Stefano Scanzio
    ETFA24-000314 Integrating PLCs and Robots into the ROS 2 Ecosystem
    Moritz Chemnitz, Hendrik Schorn, Kolos Toreki, Artur Fritz
    ETFA24-000333 Skill-Based Engineering for the Description and Mapping of Smart Grid Applications
    Felix Knorr, Thomas Frühwirth
    ETFA24-000335 MAC-Filter based Topology Control for WLAN Mesh Networks
    Tim Brockmann, Michael Rethfeldt, Benjamin Beichler, Frank Golatowski, Christian Haubelt
    ETFA24-000348 Towards Developing a Supervisory Agent for Adapting the QoS Network Configurations
    Sebastian Leclerc, Kasra Ekrad, Bjarne Johansson, Inés Álvarez, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
    ETFA24-000377 Real-Time Fault Diagnosis of Node and Link Failures for Industrial Controller Redundancy
    Kasra Ekrad, Sebastian Leclerc, Bjarne Johansson, Inés Álvarez, Mohammad Ashjaei, Saad Mubeen
    ETFA24-000378 Redundancy for MQTT Communication: an Evolution
    Claudio Zunino, Manuel Cheminod, Gianluca Cena, Stefano Vitturi, Alberto Morato, Elena Ferrari, Federico Tramarin
    ETFA24-000379 Measurements of the Safety Function Response Time on a Private 5G and IO-Link Wireless Testbed
    Henry Beuster, Kevin Tebbe, Thomas Doebbert, Gerd Scholl
    ETFA24-000395 IEEE 1588 (PTP) over mmWave 5G NR: preliminary assessment of the synchronization accuracy for TSN applications
    Alberto Morato, Elena Ferrari, Claudio Zunino, Manuel Cheminod, Stefano Vitturi, Federico Tramarin
    ETFA24-000420 OpenWiFiSync: Open Source Implementation of a Clock Synchronization Algorithm using Wi-Fi
    Michael Gundall, Hans D. Schotten
    ETFA24-000431 Wireless Sensor Networks based on TSCH/TDMA with Power Consumption and Latency Constraints
    Stefano Scanzio, Gabriele Formis, Tullio Facchinetti, Giacomo Paolini, Gianluca Cena
    ETFA24-000437 Mapping of OPC UA FX to the Asset Administration Shell and Capability, Skill and Service model
    Katharina Justmann, Ludwig Leurs, Martin Ruskowski
    ETFA24-000439 Integration of 5G and Industrial Digital Models: A Case Study with AGVs
    Jorge Cañete-Martín, Jorge Gómez-Jerez, M.Carmen Lucas-Estañ, Javier Gozalvez, Fernando Ubis
    ETFA24-000445 Towards Sustainable Mobile Deployments of 5G+ Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks
    Maxim Friesen, Sarder Fakhrul Abedin, Mikael Gidlund, Juergen Jasperneite
    ETFA24-000456 Dependability Evaluation of Industrial Networks by using Monte Carlo with Importance Sampling
    Paolo Guarino, Filippo Nevi, Paolo Dai Pra, Davide Quaglia, Tiziano Villa
    ETFA24-000399 Mapping, Analysis and Simulation on the Use of Time-Sensitive Networking in Digital Substations
    Rahul Nandkumar Gore, Andreas Johansson, Samuel Wagbrant, Inés Álvarez
    ETFA24-000427 WIP: AI-based Dynamic Joint Schedule Calculation for TSN over 5G using GCN-TD3
    Syed Tasnimul Islam
    ETFA24-000458 Mapping IEC 61850 GOOSE Messages into Time-Sensitive Networking
    Mateu Jover, Alberto Ballesteros, Manuel Barranco, Julian Proenza
    ETFA24-000460 Characterizing the tradeoff between fault tolerance and cost of redundant TSN networks
    Mateu Jover, Manuel Barranco, Josep Naranjo, Julian Proenza, Alberto Ballesteros
    ETFA24-000463 Towards a node active replication schema for highly reliable distributed control systems based on TSN
    Joan Evangelisti, Manuel Barranco, Julian Proenza, Alberto Ballesteros, Mateu Jover
    ETFA24-000328 Intent-based Management for Industrial Automation
    Ahmet Cihat Baktir, Elham Dehghan Biyar
    ETFA24-000340 Mobile Measurements of the Time and Error Behaviour of a Multi-Cell 5G Standalone Network in Process Automation
    Cole Saunders, Gustavo Cainelli, Andre Gnad, Olaf Albert, Lisa Underberg
  • Room 4 TT10 - AI for CPS in Automation 1
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Christoph-Alexander Holst
    Doran Hans Dermot

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    ETFA24-000215 Building Trust in AI-Driven Decision Making for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS): A Comprehensive Review
    Rahul Mhapsekar, Muhammad Iftikhar Umrani, Malik Faizan, Omer Ali, Lizy Abraham
    ETFA24-000221 Potentials of Large Language Models for Generating Assembly Instructions
    Frederic Meyer, Lennart Freitag, Sven Hinrichsen, Oliver Niggemann
    ETFA24-000225 A Formal Model for Artificial Intelligence Applications in Automation Systems
    Marvin Schieseck, Philip Topalis, Lasse Reinpold, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000238 Efficient Machine Learning-based Security Monitoring and Cyberattack Classification of Encrypted Network Traffic in Industrial Control Systems
    Felix Specht, Jens Otto
    ETFA24-000230 Applying AI in the Area of Automation Systems: Overview and Challenges
    Lukasz Wisniewski, Tullio Facchinetti, Howard Li, Antonino Nocera, Daniel Peters, Thomas Routhu, Stefano Scanzio
  • 16:00-16:30
  • Cloister Coffee Break
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 16:00-16:30
  • 16:30-17:30
  • Room 6 TT9 - Special application cases of MBSE
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 16:30-17:30
    Arndt Lüder
    Valeriy Vyatkin

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    ETFA24-000009 Applying priority-informed STPA to a nuclear I&C system
    Josepha Berger, Hiruni Kothalawala, Risto Tiusanen, Antti Pakonen
    ETFA24-000063 Assembly Sequence Planning by Reinforcement Learning and Accessibility Checking using RRT*
    Rafael Parzeller, Elisa Schuster, Axel Busboom, Detlef Gerhard
    ETFA24-000201 Energy Consumption Optimisation for Horticultural Facilities
    Kirill Zhukovskii, Polina Ovsiannikova, Pranay Jhunjhunwala, Paolo Scarabaggio, Raffaele Carli, Mariagrazia Dotoli, Valeriy Vyatkin
  • Room 3 TT1 - Semantics in Automation
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 16:30-17:30
    Bianca Wiesmayr
    Gernot Steindl

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    ETFA24-000026 Flexible Modeling and Execution of Semantic Manufacturing Processes for Robot Systems
    Ingmar Kessler, Alexander Perzylo
    ETFA24-000067 Semi-Automated Event Specification for Knowledge-Based Event Detection
    Tobias Schwarzinger, Gernot Steindl, Thomas Frühwirth, Konrad Diwold
    ETFA24-000200 Parameter Interdependencies in Knowledge Graphs for Manufacturing Processes
    Tom Jeleniewski, Jonathan Reif, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
  • Room 5 SS10 - Edge-to-Cloud Data-driven Distributed Industrial Cyber Physical Systems
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 16:30-17:30
    Gil Gonçalves
    Lyu Tuojian

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    ETFA24-000091 Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection in the TinyML Domain Through Multi-Target Few-Shot Domain Adaptation
    Johannes Kühnel, Timo Eißmann, Christian Wiede, Dorothea Schwung, Anton Grabmaier
    ETFA24-000111 A multi-layer machine learning architecture for near real-time inference in manufacturing based on Apache Kafka and selective classification
    Lukas Lodes, Alexander Schiendorfer
    ETFA24-000264 Enhancing Robotics Performance: Exploring the Role of Cloud Computing in Planning Tasks
    Eduardo de Melo Rocha, Rui Pinto
  • Room 4 TT10 - AI for CPS in Automation 2
    Thursday, 12 September 2024, 16:30-17:30
    Marcel Dix
    Maxim Friesen

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    ETFA24-000042 Reliable Deep Learning-Based Analysis of Production Areas Using RGB-D Data and Model Confidence Calibration
    Johannes C. Bauer, Kutay Yilmaz, Sonja Wächter, Rüdiger Daub
    ETFA24-000047 Democratized Learning Enabling Multi-Level Digital Twin Model Integration
    Benedetta Picano, Marco Becattini, Laura Carnevali, Enrico Vicario
    ETFA24-000128 Using Siamese Neural Networks for the Open Set Recognition of Anomalies Detected in Industrial Time Series Data
    Marcel Dix, Jan Jens Koltermann, Sebastian Mieck, Heiko Petersen, Sebastian Taege, Gahana Anjanappa

Friday, 13 September 2024

  • Atrium Registration
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 08:30-09:00
    Registration will take place in the Atrium of the _Complesso Beato Pellegrino_, coming from the entrance of _Via Vendramini 13, Padova_

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  • 09:00-10:20
  • Room 6 TT4 - AI Advancements in Manufacturing Management
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Doran Hans Dermot
    Andrea Bonci

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    ETFA24-000154 Addressing the complexity of AI Integration in Manufacturing: A Morphological Analysis
    Leonid Koval, Muhammad Uzair Akmal, Saara Asif, Selvine George Mathias, Simon Knollmeyer, Daniel Grossmann
    ETFA24-000081 Smaller Batches, Bigger Gains? Investigating the Impact of Batch Sizes on Reinforcement Learning Based Real-World Production Scheduling
    Arthur Müller, Matthia Sabatelli, Felix Grumbach
    ETFA24-000118 Proposing A Workflow For Automating The Assembly Phase Of Production
    Ehsanullah Janebdar, Robert Harrison, Bilal Ahmad, Daniel Vera, Yedige Tlegenov, Daniela Sousa
    ETFA24-000209 Integration of MITL for Cobots Workflow in a Manipulating Application
    Sofia Hustiu, Andrei Iulian Iancu, Florian-Alexandru Brașoveanu
  • Room 3 TT8 - Advanced Sensing Technologies in the Industrial Internet of Things Era/1
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Pangcheng David Cen Cheng

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    ETFA24-000035 Optimizing LSTM-based temperature prediction algorithm for embedded system deployment
    Pietro d'Agostino, Massimo Violante, Gianpaolo Macario
    ETFA24-000039 Exploring Low-Power IoT Solutions for Monitoring Natural Gas Systems Using CH4 MOS Detection
    Sofia Alves, Sofia Paiva, Paulo Santos, Jorge Cabral
    ETFA24-000064 Digital Twin for Efficient Operation of Heating Devices in Industrial Halls
    Thomas Schmeyer, Jonas Mohr, Gerhard Sonnenberg, Margarita Chikobava, Andreas Luxenburger, Dieter Merkel, Alassane Ndiaye, Boris Brandherm, Sönke Knoch, Jens Findeisen, Steffen Manser, Francis Youmbi, Iven Beck
    ETFA24-000240 Predictive Technologies and Methodologies for Human Operator Assessment in Industry 5.0: A Conceptual Framework
    Marco Martinelli, Sérgio Lopes, Mauro Migliardi
  • Room 5 SS5 - Evaluation Methods for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems' Behavior - Part 1: Detection and Classification of Alarms, Anomalies & Faults
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Felix Gehlhoff
    Artan Markaj

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    ETFA24-000157 Identifying Root-Causes of Deviations between Simulation and Real Plant Data based on an Adaptive Causal Directed Graph
    Malte Ramonat, Franz Christopher Kunze, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000244 A Novel Process Plant Alarm Dataset and Methodology for Alarm Data Generation
    Gianluca Manca, Franz Christopher Kunze, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000123 Using Modular Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems
    Jonas Ehrhardt, Phillip Johann Overlöper, Daniel Vranjes, Henrik Steude, Alexander Diedrich, Oliver Niggemann
    ETFA24-000166 Evaluation Metrics for Collaborative Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Cyber-Physical Systems
    Luis Piardi, André Oliveira, Pedro Costa, Paulo Leitao
  • Room 9 WIP8 - Advanced Sensing Technologies in the Industrial Internet of Things Era & WIP9 - Upcoming topics in MBES for complex automation systems
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 09:00-10:20
    Alberto Ballesteros
    Arndt Lüder, Prerna Juhlin

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    ETFA24-000329 Smart pallets: Towards event detection using IMUs
    Sven Franke, Andrea Bommert, Marc Julian Brandt, Jean Lenard Kuhlmann, Marie-Claire Olivier, Kirsten Schorning, Christopher Reining, Alice Kirchheim
    ETFA24-000393 Resilience Scores for Decision Support Using Wearable Biosignal Data with Requirements on Fair and Transparent AI
    Lucas PALETTA, Herwig Zeiner, Michale Schneeberger, Martin Pszeida, Jochen A. Mosbacher, Julia Tschuden
    ETFA24-000471 Towards Integrating MQTT with Time-Sensitive Networking
    Giuseppe Testa, Luca Leonardi, Lucia Lo Bello, Gaetano Patti
    ETFA24-000301 From Multiple Digital Twins to a Multi-Faceted Digital Twin: Towards an AAS-Based Approach
    Quang-Duy NGUYEN, Yining Huang, Guéréguin Der Sylvestre SIDIBE, Saadia DHOUIB
    ETFA24-000324 Model-Based Systems Engineering for the Agile Life-Cycle Management of IIoT Based on DevOps
    Amirali Amiri, Gernot Steindl, Wolfgang Kastner
    ETFA24-000336 Confidentiality Preserving Data Sharing for Life Cycle Assessment in Process Industries
    Hansani Perera, Udayanto Dwi Atmojo, Valeriy Vyatkin
    ETFA24-000347 An uncertainty analysis based approach to sensor selection in chemical processes
    Lukas Furtner, Jonathan Mädler, Leon Urbas
    ETFA24-000385 Open Reference Architecture for Sustainable Papermaking based on Industrial Interoperability Standards and Cloud-Native Technologies
    Prerna Juhlin, Rosario Othen, Andreas Zehnpfund, Chen Song, Jan Schlake, Andreas Schmeiser, Kai Kratzer, Jonathan Sejdija, Philip Kayser
    ETFA24-000403 Integrating Generative AI for Enhanced Automation in System Design Processes
    Jayesh Ravindra Guntupalli, Kentaro Watanabe
    ETFA24-000405 Generative AI co-pilot for rapid prototyping of IEC 61499 control applications
    Polina Ovsiannikova, Tatiana Liakh, Pranay Jhunjhunwala, Valeriy Vyatkin
    ETFA24-000406 Assessing the Suitability of Software Tools for System-Theoretic Process Analysis of Nuclear Instrumentation and Control Systems
    Carl Akira King, Polina Ovsiannikova, Valeriy Vyatkin
    ETFA24-000415 Comparative Analysis of AAS and AML as a Data Source for Integrated Risk Assessment in ICS
    Pushparaj Bhosale, Wolfgang Kastner, Thilo Sauter
    ETFA24-000422 Toward Automating the Composition of Digital Twins within System-of-Systems
    Milapji Singh Gill, Jingxi Zhang, Andreas Wortmann, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000429 Towards Hypermedia Environments for Adaptive Coordination in Industrial Automation
    Ganesh Ramanathan, Simon Mayer, Andrei Ciortea
    ETFA24-000436 Multiservice System for Water Supply Systems: a Smart Predictive Digital Twin proposal
    Tiago Pereira, Ramon Vilanova, António Andrade-Campos
    ETFA24-000355 Representing Property Dependencies within AutomationML based Digital Twins
    Arndt Lueder, David Hoffmann, Ranjitkumar Gudder, Stefan Biffl, Kristof Meixner
    ETFA24-000438 Integrated Engineering Data Transformation: An AutomationML-based approach for efficient data exchange
    Ranjitkumar Gudder, David Hoffmann, Paula Hünecke, Arndt Lueder
    ETFA24-000450 Towards a JSON-Serialization for AutomationML
    David Hoffmann, Prerna Juhlin, Ranjitkumar Gudder, Arndt Lueder
    ETFA24-000350 Toward a Method to Generate Capability Ontologies from Natural Language Descriptions
    Luis Miguel Vieira da Silva, Aljosha Köcher, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000371 Work in progress - Model-check PLC programs: Towards a Efficient Formalization Approach
    Jessica Ravakambinintsoa, Emil DUMITRESCU, Eric Zamaï, Denis Chalon
  • 10:20-10:50
  • Cloister Coffee Break
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 10:20-10:50
  • 10:50-11:50
  • Room 9 Keynote - Clara Otero Perez
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 10:50-11:50
    Lucia Lo Bello
    Federico Tramarin

    Keynote by Dr. Clara Otero Perez

    Engineering the Car of the Future in an Evolving Ecosystem

    The automotive industry ecosystem is undergoing a transformation. The supply crisis has had a significant impact – changing and expanding responsibilities of ecosystem players. At the same time, the shift towards software-defined and electric vehicles has created both opportunities and challenges for automakers. One thing is clear - engineering the car of the future will require collaboration and a new way of thinking. Moving from individual components to scalable system solutions can help optimize resources and accelerate innovation. Join Clara Otero as she shares insights on how the ecosystem evolution is helping shape the future of mobility.

    About Dr. Clara Otero Perez

    Clara has over 25 years of experience in the automotive semiconductor industry, from complex SoCs and software for digital TVs, to wireless payments in mobile phones and radar system for cars. Shortly after she graduated with a Master of Science in Physics by the University of Santiago de Compostela she started working as research scientist at Philips Research Labs in Eindhoven and later continued growing her career at NXP in various leading R&D roles.

    Clara was a key driver behind NXP’s company-wide system strategy envisioning, developing and releasing a broad set of automotive system innovations for Electric, Connected and Safe vehicles. Most recently she took over the role as Sr. Director of System Marketing, focusing on software defined electric vehicles closely collaborating with customers to address electrification challenges, increasing efficiency and reuse, extending battery range and lifetime in a safe and secure way. Next to her technical leadership, she has held roles for the Eindhoven Site Management and as a Board Member for NXP’s European Women’s Leadership team.

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  • 11:50-12:50
  • Room 5 SS5 - Evaluation Methods for Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems' Behavior - Part 2: Analysis and Evaluation of Heterogenous Autonomous Systems
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 11:50-12:50
    Alexander Fay
    Artan Markaj

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    ETFA24-000193 Decentralized Control: Analysis of Varying Autonomy Levels in Intralogistics Vehicles
    Felix Gehlhoff, Bjarne Huth, Alexander Wenzel
    ETFA24-000140 Development and Integration of Operator Behavior Models for the Evaluation of Autonomous Plants
    Artan Markaj, Florian Pelzer, Nils Richter, Alexander Fay, Mehmet Mercangöz
    ETFA24-000126 A Hardware-Agnostic Approach to Supervise Heterogeneous Autonomous Mobile Robots
    Christoph Sieber, Christian Worpenberg, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
  • 11:50-13:10
  • Room 6 SS4 - Capability- and Skill-based Engineering of Manufacturing Systems
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 11:50-13:10
    Aljosha Koecher
    Siwara Schmitt

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    ETFA24-000095 Mitigating Conflicts in Architectural Design Decisions for Evolving Manufacturing Systems: Evaluation and Recommendations for Practitioners
    Tarik Terzimehic, Alois Zoitl
    ETFA24-000131 On the Use of Large Language Models to Generate Capability Ontologies
    Luis Miguel Vieira da Silva, Aljosha Köcher, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000220 A Formal Approach to Defining Effects of Manufacturing Functions
    Jürgen Bock, Tobias Klausmann, Tobias Kleinert, Aljosha Köcher, Marco Simon, Michael Winter
    ETFA24-000237 Skills Composition Framework for Reconfigurable Cyber-Physical Production Modules
    Aleksandr Sidorenko, Achim Wagner, Martin Ruskowski
  • Room 3 TT8 - Advanced Sensing Technologies in the Industrial Internet of Things Era/2
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 11:50-13:10
    Inés Álvarez Vadillo
    Gaetano Patti

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    ETFA24-000160 FireMan-UAV-RGBT: A novel UAV-based RGB-Thermal video dataset for the detection of wildfires in the Finnish forests
    Manura Windula Kularatne Sanda Durage, Constantino Álvarez Casado, Janne Rajala, Tuomo Hänninen, Miguel Bordallo, Le Nguyen
    ETFA24-000285 Comparative Analysis and New Proposal of Velocity Estimation Methods for Multivariable Motion Sensors
    Federico Mazzoli, Davide Alghisi, Vittorio Ferrari
    ETFA24-000146 Environment and Person-independent Gesture Recognition with Non-static RFID Tags Leveraging Adaptive Signal Segmentation
    Sahar Golipoor, Stephan Sigg
    ETFA24-000153 Personalized Comfort Features in Software-defined Vehicles Using Federated Learning
    Baran Can Gül, Neeharika Devarakonda, Nasser Jazdi Motlagh, Michael Weyrich
  • Room 9 WIP10 - Trends in AI for CPS in Automation
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 11:50-13:10
    Stefano Scanzio
    Lukasz Wisniewski

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    ETFA24-000300 Modular Digital Twin for Air Handling Units
    Tullio Facchinetti, Thomas Routhu
    ETFA24-000309 Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Data Augmentation and Classification of Semiconductor Wafer Dicing Induced Defects
    Zhining Hu, Tobias Schlosser, Michael Friedrich, André Luiz Vieira e Silva, Frederik Beuth, Danny Kowerko
    ETFA24-000317 PID-Gen: Towards an Algorithm for the Generation of Random P&IDs
    Silke Merkelbach, Tim Heuwinkel, Roman Dumitrescu
    ETFA24-000323 Concepts and Measures Towards Trustworthy AI in Industrial Manufacturing
    Franziska Zelba, Kaja Balzereit, Stefan Windmann
    ETFA24-000344 LLM experiments with simulation: Large Language Model Multi-Agent System for Simulation Model Parametrization in Digital Twins
    Yuchen Xia, Daniel Dittler, Nasser Jazdi Motlagh, Haonan Chen, Michael Weyrich
    ETFA24-000357 Energy efficiency optimization and preventive maintenance of HVAC systems using machine learning
    Aleksey Bratukhin, Christian Stippel, David Sengl, Markus Kobelrausch, Thilo Sauter
    ETFA24-000413 Document Knowledge Graph to Enhance Question Answering with Retrieval Augmented Generation
    Simon Knollmeyer, Muhammad Uzair Akmal, Leonid Koval, Saara Asif, Selvine George Mathias, Daniel Großmann
    ETFA24-000417 Efficient Domain Adaptation using Individual Standardization in Bearing Fault Detection
    Tarek Renusch, Alexander Boschmann, Michael Thies
    ETFA24-000432 Executable QR codes with Machine Learning for Industrial Applications
    Stefano Scanzio, Francesco Velluto, Matteo Rosani, Lukasz Wisniewski, Gianluca Cena
    ETFA24-000433 Deep learning and text-embedding to integrate energy consumption into industrial machine production planning
    Andrea Bonci, Mariorosario Prist, Geremia Pompei, Lorenzo Longarini, Alessandro Di Biase, Carlo Verdini
    ETFA24-000467 Variability-Driven Knowledge Discovery in IEC 61499 Systems
    Anna-Lena Hager, Shubham Sharma, Lisa Sonnleithner
    ETFA24-000394 Data Management Platform for Indoor Air Quality Management
    Tony Rosset Anto, Borja Albert Gramaje, Lukasz Wisniewski, Stylianos Karatzas
    ETFA24-000447 Enhance FMEA with Large Language Models for Assisted Risk Management in Technical Processes and Products
    Yuchen Xia, Nasser Jazdi Motlagh, Michael Weyrich
    ETFA24-000473 Towards a Benchmark of Multimodal Large Language Models for Industrial Engineering
    Markus Geipel
  • Room 4 TT1 - AI and ML in Automation
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 11:50-13:10
    Doran Hans Dermot

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    ETFA24-000083 Using FactoryML for Deployment of Machine Learning models in Industrial Production
    Christian Wewer, Harshit Mahapatra, Lukas Esterle, Peter Gorm Larsen
    ETFA24-000100 Automated Control Logic Test Case Generation using Large Language Models
    Heiko Koziolek, Virendra Ashiwal, Soumyadip Bandyopadhyay, Chandrika K R
    ETFA24-000116 Cold-Start and Data Sparsity Problems in a Digital Twin based Recommendation System
    Flávia Pires, Antonio Paulo Moreira, Paulo Leitao
    ETFA24-000158 MLOps: A Multiple Case Study in Industry 4.0
    Leonhard Faubel, Klaus Schmid
  • 13:10-14:20
  • Cloister Lunch
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 13:10-14:20
  • 14:20-16:00
  • Room 6 SS7 - Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Felix Rinker
    Kristof Meixner

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    ETFA24-000016 Towards a Unified Flow Description Language for CPPSs: An Example with Material Flows
    Jana Gödeke, Maximilian Hörstrup, Peter Detzner
    ETFA24-000089 Generating PLC Code with Universal Large Language Models
    Jérôme Pfeiffer, Jingxi Zhang, Kilian Tran, Andreas Wortmann, Bianca Wiesmayr
    ETFA24-000180 Multi-Domain Modeling for Change Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
    Felix Rinker, Kristof Meixner, Diana Vysoká, Stefan Biffl
    ETFA24-000181 Survey of Practitioner Needs and Approaches for Multi-Domain Change Management in Cyber-Physical Production Systems Engineering
    Felix Rinker, Diana Vysoká, Kristof Meixner, Stefan Biffl
    ETFA24-000255 Deodorant for Shotgun Surgery Bad Smell in IEC 61499-based Control Software
    Dunja Životin, Lisa Sonnleithner, Alois Zoitl
  • Room 3 TT2 - New protocols and architectures for future industrial networks
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Gianluca Cena
    Claudio Zunino

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    ETFA24-000109 OPC UA PubSub and Industrial Controller Redundancy
    Bjarne Johansson, Olof Holmgren, Martin Dahl, Håkan Forsberg, Thomas Nolte, Alessandro Papadopoulos
    ETFA24-000177 Comparison of Data Integration Concepts for Asset Administration Shell
    Wei Guo, Torben Miny, Tobias Kleinert, Frank Schnicke, Sebastian Käbisch, Constantin Liepert, Kazeem Oladipupo, Christian Diedrich
    ETFA24-000284 Novel Hybrid Post-Quantum Encryption Design on Embedded Devices
    Ilias Cherkaoui, Omer Ali, Jerry Horgan
    ETFA24-000223 Behavior-based Intrusion Detection Approach deployed on a Naval Testbed
    stephane mocanu, Estelle Hotellier, Franck Sicard, Nahi Boukhobza, Julien Francq
    ETFA24-000263 A Query Language for OPC UA Event Filters
    Florian Düwel, Andreas Ebner, Julius Pfrommer
  • Room 5 TT5 - Industrial and process control
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Manuel Beschi
    Toru Yamamoto

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    ETFA24-000098 Virtualization in Industrial Production - A Survey Focusing on Virtual and Virtualized Industrial Controls
    Kevin Müller, Marco Giani, Darius Deubert, Michael Massoth
    ETFA24-000074 Load Estimation Modeling Method for Multiple Operations of Hydraulic Excavators
    ETFA24-000148 Efficient Identification and Validation of Control Program Changes in an Automated Production System using Virtual Commissioning
    Omar Ismail, Felix Gehlhoff, Nihar Hasmukhbhai Shah, Alexander Fay
    ETFA24-000208 PIDA Control of Heat Exchangers
    Michele Schiavo, Manuel Beschi, Manuel Garrido Satue, Antonio Visioli, Manuel Ruiz Arahal
    ETFA24-000272 Development of a unified function library for composable and generatable skills in process and manufacturing control
    Shagufta shagufta, Tobias Kleinert
  • Room 9 TT11 - Vehicular Embedded Systems
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 14:20-16:00
    Zenepe Satka
    Ramez Daoud

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    ETFA24-000036 A domain-specific modeling framework for the development of automotive systems
    Katharina Polanec, Jounes-Alexander Gross, Christian Neureiter
    ETFA24-000072 Automating data extraction from semi-structured industrial documents: the Alstom experience
    Tobias Möller, Inderjeet Singh, Alessio Bucaioni, Antonio Cicchetti
    ETFA24-000086 Fast Vehicular TSN Network Reconfiguration with Application Aware Network Synchronization
    Dominik Stöhrmann, Rolf Ernst
    ETFA24-000151 Federated Learning for Comfort Features in Vehicles with Collaborative Sensing: A Review
    Baran Can Gül, Daniel Dittler, Nasser Jazdi Motlagh, Michael Weyrich
    ETFA24-000152 Tailoring automotive E/E architectures with design space exploration
    Jean-Baptiste Laurent, Julien Richefeu, Bruno Monsuez
  • 14:20-16:20
  • Room 4 TT4 - New Methods for Diagnosis and Fault Analysis
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 14:20-16:20

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    ETFA24-000110 Cost-Oriented Predictive Maintenance using Exponential Degradation Modelling: Application on Manufacturing Industries
    Ioanna Marina Anagnostara, Angeliki Sagani, Vasileios Passias, Nikos Koufokotsios, Dimitrios-Sotirios Kourkoumpas, Nikolaos Nikolopoulos
    ETFA24-000029 Active Learning for Condition-based Maintenance of Industrial Machinery Using COMETH
    Franziska Zelba, Gesa Benndorf
    ETFA24-000266 Analyzing Fault Behaviors in Multi-Domain Systems with Contract-Based Monitors
    Friederike Bruns, Francesco Tosoni, Sven Mehlhop, Andreas Rauh, Frank Oppenheimer, Franco Fummi
    ETFA24-000080 Comparison of Physical and LSTM Neural Network Model of a High-Pressure Valve Used in the Steel Industry
    Nusyba Yesmin, Oscar Bautista Gonzalez, Sunilkumar TELAGAM SETTI, Daniel Rönnow
    ETFA24-000159 Encoding Machine Phase Information into Heterogeneous Graphs for Adaptive Fault Diagnosis
    Maximilian-Peter Radtke, Marco Huber, Jürgen Bock
    ETFA24-000150 Data-driven Bed of Nails Wear Analysis for the In-Circuit-Testing of Electronic Modules
    Till Sindel, Nils Thielen, Felix Mahr, Tobias Reichenstein, Hüseyin Erdogan, Jörg Franke
  • 16:20-16:50
  • Aula Magna Closing Ceremony
    Friday, 13 September 2024, 16:20-16:50